Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Life Lessons Learned on the Way Down

In this video Ric Elias describes his experience of being on the plane that crashed in the Hudson River. He said he learned three things while his plane started to crash and these three things are now life lessons that he tried to teach the audience.  My take aways from this video are to treat every day like it is your last because one day you could be gone. I also took away that everything changes in an instinct because life is unpredictable. I also took away that everyone should eliminate negative energy from their lives because it makes life happier. I also took away that dying is not scary it is only sad because you would miss everything else that goes on in life like growing up or being a great parent. His effective speaking techniques were to have the audience imagine they were in his place. He told them to think about what they would do in that situation and it engaged that audience. It made it more interesting because the audience could discover things about themselves they never would if they hadn't been put in that position. His presentation style was ignite because it inspired the audience to think about their lives and what would happen if one day everything was taken from you. He also used a story and empathy so that the audience would understand and connect to his story. It was empathetic because it made the story have emotional weight and therefore the audience would remember the lesson better. What matters is that everyone should live their life to the fullest because no one knows what will happen tomorrow or in a week. Life is unpredictable so everyone should live their life with no regrets. What matters is that everyone should eliminate negative energy from their lives and that everything can change in a second. These all matter to me because this is how I would like to live my life because it would be much happier than it is right now. It would make my life more enjoyable and therefore would affect everyone I was around. This matters to education because students would be happier at school and could decrease bullies because everyone could be happy if everyone learned from Elias's three lessons. This matters to the world because it would lead to a happier world and future. There would be less fights and less wars and therefore more people who get to live out their life to the fullest. These lessons that Elias lives by are very important and everyone should learn these lessons. These lessons were also learned by Elias when his plane crashed. On the way down he learned very important lessons that have forever changed his life and could change the world's future.

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